For 2012 we all have BIG resolutions that we will strive for. I know for me it is more a long the lines of a "bucket list" and great things I wish to achieve in my lifetime such as opening a studio and becoming a famous photographer, ;-). However, I can not expect to accomplish all of these things with in one year, so starting with simple things that are achievable in that time frame is not a bad idea.
1. I would like to resume my workout schedule that I used to be really good about squeezing into my busy days/nights.
2. I would like to start eating healthy and fit back in to my "skinny" jeans.
I think this is usually everyone's New Years resolution and usually after two months falls off track and sits around and waits until the next year for the resolution to kick in, but pushing yourself to achieve your goals, while it is difficult and sometimes painful, makes you a happier person. And as they say time and time again, life is everyday as if it were your last.
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would like to be able to say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" - Erma Bombeck
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